Linear Actuators
The right choice to operate under harsh and rugged conditions. Up to 10.000N.
Integrated and adjustable reed limit switches Up to 10.000N.
High-speed. Up to 6.000N.
AO-36/M AC
Integrated and adjustable reed-type limit switches. Up to 10.000N.
Integrated and adjustable reed limit switches Up to 6.000N.
Compact and robust actuator family. Up to 800N & 51mm/s.
Versatile and compact actuator family. Up to 2.000N.
Compact and strong actuator family. Up to 6.000N.
The thinnest solution for linear motion applications. Up to 3.000N.
Parallel-axis actuator family with optimized installation dimensions. Up to IP69K. Up to 3.500N.
Multi purpose linear actuator family with high efficiency. Up to 6.500N.
Smart and effective solution, that joins a unique design with the needs of mass-production. Up to 500N.
The perfect product family for solutions in tough industrial and agriculture conditions. Up to IP69K. Up to 15.000N.